Uganda Computer Specialist

Missionary Job Description:
- Prepare curriculum which introduces and teaches computer skills to upper-level students.
- Assist teachers at Orthodox run schools to implement a program to teach youth about computer usage.
- Offer teacher training to individuals employed at Orthodox Schools around the country.
Length of Assignment: 2 years; may renew.
Reports to: Metropolitan Jeronymos and others.
Demographic Notes: 74% of the population of Uganda are youth. For Orthodox Schools to stay attractive for enrollment and to better prepare youth for a future with computer usage, this is essential.
Additional Notes: Single person preferred but may be married if spouse can travel or stay home. Must be able to travel to schools around the country.
To Apply: Click below to submit a Missions Inquiry if you are interested in this opportunity. For questions, please contact Fr. Rob Spaliatsos, Missionary Director, at
Inquire About This Opportunity